Friday 24 October 2008

Birthday Girl - BLEH

Ugh! Today I turn 30 whole years old. Another birthday spent on my own with no prospect of things changing before I turn 31. I know I should be more positive, but I firmly believe I was Eeyore in a former life, so pessimism comes so naturally.

Thursday 9 October 2008

On the Move

This will be my last post for a while. My internet is being disconnected tomorrow in preparation for the move on Saturday. Yup, it's goodbye Wales, hello England. I can't wait to get my stuff packed into the van and stick two fingers up at my psycho neighbour.

I am going to miss my cousin and her kids, but I know where they are and I can still visit, but it won't be for at least six months. I need to put this place well and truly behind me.

My boxes are packed and I am just tying up the last few loose ends. Roll on Saturday, it can't come soon enough!