Tuesday 30 June 2009

Tea for Three Swap

It's swap time again! This time I signed up for a tea swap with three partners. I made some small drawstring bags from some left over scrap fabric and ribbon, each holds three teabags. As a small extra, I made each of my partners a coaster from 100% Irish linen and using the font 'Century Gothic', hand embroidered the word 'tea' on each one. Although this swap was very quick and easy, it provided me with great sewing and embroidery practice. I hope my partners like each of their packages.

I also made two coasters for myself. Using the font 'Girls are Weird' I made one simply saying 'tea' and to be a little more adventurous, I embroidered a quote from Monty Python's Flying Circus, which is by far my favourite, and a bonus, since I made it for me.

More at Flickr


Tina Peacock said...

What lovely swap items! Great theme for a swap too!

thriftwizard said...

Ooooh, lovely! I like the coasters especially.

Where can I find the "girls are wierd" font?